I have the FPL oneplug and it is RF connector a nice solution. If you do a little research, you will find out that this device is available in other parts of the country, for the same amount or more. BTW: The oneplug is NOT made by FPL. If you want to runs cords, keep on. If you are a person that wants the flexibility of using (limited) power in any part of your house, this is a nice simple solution. I use a Honda eu6500 as my power source. Good luck and do not back feed, you could kill someone and you will be responsible.

Can someone tell me why it's dangerous to backfeed through the dryer outlet? My son just made a cord for my generator to do just that and I need to know what the danger is.

Also, why doesn't the sunshine state make a huge push for solar alternatives. home . ridiculous!)

Maybe this paper can investigate solar options (companies and costs) for their readers

This is all dangerous stuff. I guess the more money you have to spend the safer you can make it. Personally I have a hard enough time paying for a generator, hundreds of gallons of fuel, storm shutters, storm supplies, and the big one storm insurance.

Personally I see nothing anymore dangerous with feeding into the dryer outlet as long as the main breaker is turned off so that you don't backfeed into the grid and nothing is energized plus the generator is turned off while handling the cords.

What is far more dangerous is storing the 200 gallons of gasoline needed to run the generator 24/7 for three weeks like after the last hurricane.

Or the fools that place their generator too close to an open window or door.

Been through three hurricanes with this setup now and haven't had any problems.

After having to deal with filling a hot generator every twelve hours with fuel I went over to the boat shop and got fuel fittings designed for an outboard engine and ran them from my generator to a 55 gallon drum that is forty feet away from my house and the hot generator so no more filling a hot generator up.

I grew up Fiber Optic Adapters  in south Florida and never dreamed that I would have to learn how to deal with stuff like this but after a few hurricanes without power I learned about this stuff including how not to kill myself in using this stuff. It is smilar to using the Dryer receptical but IS MUCH SAFER and meets all electrical codes. NO PERMIT REQUIRED EITHER!

I installed a box with a fuse and 220 connector to connect my generator to. You can prevent feedback into FPL's system by pulling the main fuse to the house.

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